How to Get a Library Card
Your library card is free! You can obtain a library card at any of our eight local branch libraries. Your original library card is issued at no cost to you and is valid at all locations.
To get your card, all you need is an official photo I.D. and proof of address such as a utility bill, or other letter mailed to your street address.
You can use your library card immediately. There is no waiting period or minimum residency requirement. Limitations do apply to video items.

Renewal, OverDue Fines, and Lost Items
Library materials may be renewed in person or by phone, twice. However, items cannot be renewed if they are over-due or on reserve for someone else.
Yes, sometimes we all forget. The fine for regular overdue materials is 25¢ per day per item. A notice is sent to you when library materials are overdue. To clear your record, please return the materials and pay the fines.
If you are overdue to return an item to the library, *keep in mind that you will not be able to check out any more items or use the public computes until all items are returned and all fines are paid (*fines cannot exceed $10). As well, items returned after business hours using the book return slots will be checked on the next business day and overdue fines could apply.
If an item is lost or damaged, the borrower will be responsible for any overdue fines and fees to cover the cost of the material and processing.