Welcome to Jackson-George Regional Library System – Your Window to the World!

Consistently, the Jackson-George Regional Library System has ranked as one of Mississippi’s top public library systems. With our headquarters library located in Pascagoula, our system has branches in the cities and communities of East Central, Gautier, Lucedale, Moss Point, Ocean Springs, Pascagoula, St. Martin, and Vancleave. More than 80 employees keep these eight branches open to the public for a total of 455 hours each week, Monday through Saturday.

Loan Periods

We loan books, audiobooks, audio players, ebooks, and magazines for a circulation period of three weeks and video recordings, music CDs, or DVDs, for seven days. 

But no matter the loan period, the due date is always printed on the date slip receipt with the item. For your convenience, materials checked out at any JGRLS library may be returned to any other JGRLS branch. There is a book return slot located at all libraries for use when the library is closed.


Can’t Find What You Need?

We’ll get items for you through Inter-library Loan. If the information or book you want is not in the library you’re using, every effort will be made to obtain it for you. If the item is available from another library within the regional system, it can be delivered to the library most convenient to you. We’ll call and let you know it has arrived and then hold it for 5 days for you to pick it up.

We can also arrange for books not owned by our library system to be borrowed from college and public libraries in the state and throughout the nation. This service is called Inter-Library Loan or ILL. It takes extra time, so please ask early if you have a deadline.

We have much more than just books! We have books of every stripe, color, and hue. But we have so much more! You can check out audiobooks, E-Books, E-magazines, music CDs, DVDs, MP3 audio devices, large-print books, and more.

The library system also has a collection of more than 6,500 DVDs that include subjects about travel, educational topics, how-to, and self-improvement titles.

Automated Online Catalog

Can’t remember all that? Don’t worry. All of our libraries have an On-Line Public Access Catalog – a computerized listing, updated daily, of the more than 230,000 items in the library system’s collection. You can access this service from home on the Internet at the above link. And if you need help – our staff will be glad to show you how to use the catalog.

The online catalog has been designed for ease of use and requires no knowledge of computers or library processes. You may browse the online catalog just as you once did the card catalog drawers, searching for materials by author, subject, title, series, or call number. You can also conduct keyword searches. Feel free to experiment. Try it. The online catalog is the best way to learn to retrieve information and discover the most direct method for finding items you need. You can’t hurt the computer system or accidentally alter library records.

Other Library Services

You can find all our other departments and services by looking at the top of this page and clicking Library Services. There you will find information about our Genealogy Department, Jackson County Law Library, local information, policies, services, computer classes, and more.

But wait! There’s more! If all that isn’t enough, we also have: paperback book swap shelves; reproducible federal tax forms; Talking Book Service for eligible handicapped persons, and service to the homebound. Most of our libraries also offer free meeting rooms. Contact your local library for details.

We’re here to serve you Still have a question? Call any of our eight branches or reach us online, by e-mail, or on our website. No question is too hard or too trivial.

“The mission of the Jackson-George Regional Library System (JGRLS) is to provide high quality and relevant customer-oriented library and information services, collections of resources, and programming that serves to expand and enrich the lives of our citizens.”